Spring 2023 WishList

It’s that time of the year again when everything continues to be green again, and there’s that crisp aroma in the air of a fresh start and all things flowers. Of course, the spring 2023 obsession has begun, and I am sharing everything that’s on my radar this spring. So, grab a cup of tea…

The Animals That Makes The Best Pets

What animals make the best/worst pets? To me, the best pets are the ones that have fewer requirements and needs. Are you with me? I think those are the best pets. I’ve never had many pets in my life but fish and dogs. I mean they are fun if you have the time and resources….

March 2023 Recap

I returned to blogging in March 2023 and here’s what happen!

My Favorite Type Of Weather

What is your favorite type of weather? Daily prompt Just imagine, cool calm daybreak drenching the windows and side of your the house outer walls. The perfect pitch of an orchestral rhythm gently strucking the galvanized roof. The aroma of freshly salted dirt tingling your nose. That’s my kind of moment under the covers fast…

What’s My First Hour Morning Ritual Like?

The first hour morning ritual consists of awakening cool-off and ab exercises. I find it quite rejuvenating to the mind and body. Everyone who at least workout in the morning always says it keeps them upbeat during the day. Do you find it that way too? The Awakening Cool-Off This to me is the best…

The Book That Changed My Life | Bloganuary 2023 prompt #10

Books have an incredible power to change our lives in ways we can never imagine. Reading a book can open up a whole new world of knowledge and understanding, and the experience of reading one can be life-changing. In this blog post, I’m going to share with you the story of the book that changed…

Bloganuary 2023 Prompt #6

Why do I Blog? I blog for a variety of reasons. The main reason is that I enjoy expressing my thoughts and ideas in a creative way. Blogging allows me to explore topics that are meaningful to me and connect with like-minded people who share similar interests. Blogging also serves as an outlet for me…

Bloganuary 2023 Prompt #7

Rain Rain!’ said I, ‘thing of dry.’ I heard a silent, thundery sleeting ‘Rain!’ chuckled I, ‘Yes Rain!’ My passion is the smelly sprinkle When I thought of the Rain Much I marvelled the tropical sleet Once upon a midnight precipitate Deep into that darkness pouring

Bloganuary 2023 Prompt #5

Hello my love. Today, I’ll be writing about things that bring me joy. First on my list is my daughter. I’ve realized being around her puts positive thoughts and make my day seem blissful. My second one is making treats. I’m learning, So I would know what ingredient pair with each other. The third is…

Bloganuary 2023 Prompt #3

Hmmm… what’s my earliest memory? I was in preschool dressed as a nurse. Somehow It was the child month parade, I think. Anyway, my costume was white all I needed was a pair of white shoes instead I wore my black school shoes (I had no choice lol). As I vividly remember we were forming…

Bloganuary 2023 Prompt #2

So, how am I brave? Well to be honest I see bravery as an act of liberation. Yes freedom from whatever had me bounded and mentally shackled. So I try to practice it (bravery) daily without looking like a mad woman. But I love to speak my mind and sometimes those words seem to explode…

8 Valentine’s Day Gifts Ideas For Him

Valentine’s day is so romantic when you’re spending it with him, right? Come on the love celebration, kindness, and personalized gifts. Dinners for two or just a cozy night in to create the perfect memories, ever! Disclaimer: This post contains affiliate links. When you click on these links and make a purchase, I may get…

2022 Year In A Review + 2023 Goals

How was the 2022 Blogging year? 2022 I thought I could transition into a copy blogger. But instead, I got bored. Yes, bored with my blog within one month. Comparison is the thief of all joy. My mind was telling me I would get 1000 views per post. Dare oh little me with those high…

One Thing I Hope People Would Never Say About Me

Good day! I saw this daily prompt by WordPress that I was avoiding since morning. And since I don’t have anything to do this afternoon. I said to myself better I write it out then think about it, all the time. The prompt ask about one thing I hope people would never say about me…

25 Christmas Movies For The Cable lovers and Streamers

Cable and streaming lovers the Christmas movie season is upon us. So far the festive movies have been jingling since late October and continues with a must be Christmas feel. If your wondering what to watch over the Christmas season here is 25 must watch Christmas movies. 1 Hallmark Channel Royal Nanny 2 Apple Tv…

August 2022 Goals

Blog Post once per week Personal Fall/Winter 12 weeks plan Predraft September Budget Excercise