Turning 37

Today I celebrate my 37th birthday. I’ve been very excited and emotional about this one for several reasons. I just started working last year and my life is far from complicated but not near to perfect. Today was perfect beside having the flu (i dont had the flu for 10 years until this year) and…

Three Things I Left Behind In 2023

I am all bout welcoming a new year and reflecting on the past and all the visions for tomorrow. It is important to appreciate all the lessons learned and to just let go of things that cannot be changed. That is why I’m writing about the three things I left behind in 2023.

A Day in My Life: Finding Beauty in the Everyday

Welcome to a glimpse of my everyday life! Just like everyone else, my days are filled with a mix of responsibilities, routines, and moments of joy. In this blog post, I’m inviting you to join me as I take you through a typical day in my life, where I strive to find beauty in the…

How to Stay on a Budget During Christmas Holiday

Christmas is a time for joy and celebration, but it can also be a time of financial stress. The holidays are expensive, and it can be easy to overspend. If you’re looking to stay on a budget during Christmas, here are a few tips: Following these tips can help you stay on a budget during…

How to Be Emotionally Attractive in One Week

Emotional attractiveness is a powerful thing. It can make you more likable, more magnetic, and more likely to attract the people you want in your life. But what if you don’t feel emotionally attractive? What if you feel like you’re not good enough, or that you don’t have anything to offer? The good news is…

My Journey to Renewal: How I Reset My Life

Life has a way of taking unexpected turns, leaving us feeling lost and in need of a fresh start. It was during one such phase of my life that I stumbled upon several inspiring blog posts, “How to Reset Your Life” . Little did I know that these blog posts would become the catalyst for…

5 Ways To Create And Effortless Personal Growth Plan

Personal growth is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. It involves setting goals, learning new skills, and developing habits that promote personal and professional growth. Creating a personal growth plan can help you stay focused and motivated on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself. Here are five ways to create an…

How To Step Into That Girl In Your 30s

Your 30s are a time of great transition. You’re leaving behind your 20s and entering a new decade of life. It’s a time to reflect on the past, set goals for the future, and embrace the power of that girl. Here are some tips on how to step into womanhood in your 30s: Stepping into…

That Woman

What was the last thing you searched for online? Why were you looking for it? I searched for how to become that woman. The movement demonstrates a woman who is put together ,your personal goals and confident similar to the that girl aesthetic. I did this yesterday and this morning.The search landed me youtube precisely…

The Tell-Tale Signs of Imposter Syndrome You Shouldn’t Ignore

Have you ever felt like a fraud at work? Like you don’t really deserve your success or job title? If so, you may be experiencing imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern where people doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a “fraud”. Even high achievers can feel…

7 Reasons You Should Not Retire

Here are 7 reasons you should not retire: Of course, there are also many benefits to retirement, such as having more free time, spending time with loved ones, and pursuing your hobbies. But it is important to weigh the pros and cons carefully before deciding whether or not to retire. If you are not sure…

My Current Bed And Wake Time

What time do you go to bed and wake up currently? Daily writing prompt What time do you go to bed and wake up currently? View all responses I am in my thirties and usually am in bed by the latest 11:30 pm. Since I have been unemployed this year I tend to spend time…

Top Places To Visit In St.Kitts

St. Kitts is a beautiful island in the Caribbean that offers a wide range of activities and attractions for tourists. Here are some of the top things to see in St. Kitts:

Fun Activities For the Summer Season Adults Only| Zests Of Lemon

Summer is a season full of sunshine, warmth, and opportunities for fun activities. Whether you’re looking to relax or be adventurous, there are countless ways to enjoy the summer season. Here are 10 fun things to do during the summer season for adults.

March 2023 Recap

I returned to blogging in March 2023 and here’s what happen!

My Favorite Type Of Weather

What is your favorite type of weather? Daily prompt Just imagine, cool calm daybreak drenching the windows and side of your the house outer walls. The perfect pitch of an orchestral rhythm gently strucking the galvanized roof. The aroma of freshly salted dirt tingling your nose. That’s my kind of moment under the covers fast…

What’s My First Hour Morning Ritual Like?

The first hour morning ritual consists of awakening cool-off and ab exercises. I find it quite rejuvenating to the mind and body. Everyone who at least workout in the morning always says it keeps them upbeat during the day. Do you find it that way too? The Awakening Cool-Off This to me is the best…