My Top 5 Fruits

List your top 5 favorite fruits. The memory flickers like a summer dream: sunshine warm on my bare arms, the vibrant green of the farmers market blurring slightly as I leaned in to inhale the intoxicating aroma. It was the scent of fruits, impossibly ripe and sweet, promising a burst of juicy flavor that would…

A Year Of No Shopping:How Mecah Did It

In 2023, I challenged myself to try a year of no shopping for any clothing or accessories for the entire year, and it turned out to be a liberating experience! Although it may not have directly assisted the economy, it certainly contributed to the health of my finances.

37 Things I’ve Learned In 37 Years

It’s another year,  as a blogger and a mom, and of course, I had to try the ___ Things I’ve Learned in ___ Years post. I have never done this before but I hope to try it again. I turn 37 on January  9th! I’ve been enjoying my 30s so far & have learned quite…

The Greatest Gift Of A House

Mecah expresses a longing for the greatest gift, dreaming of it in her childhood and the desire it would bring to her family. She sees it as the next chapter in their life and a significant accomplishment.

New Goals, A New Year And The Same Ole Me

Mecah looks forward to the new year as an opportunity for refreshing and maintaining her true self, setting achievable goals, including learning to drive, achieving a flat tummy, savings, and sewing tailored-looking clothing. She emphasizes the importance of focusing on personal growth rather than conforming to unrealistic standards promoted by others.

A Day in My Life: Finding Beauty in the Everyday

Welcome to a glimpse of my everyday life! Just like everyone else, my days are filled with a mix of responsibilities, routines, and moments of joy. In this blog post, I’m inviting you to join me as I take you through a typical day in my life, where I strive to find beauty in the…

2023 Lesson Learnt

What skills or lessons have you learned recently? They say knock and the door shall open and I have been knocking for a while now. 2023! Taught me a lot especially when it comes to friendships, sex, money, and having a personal environment.

At High School Prize Giving Ceremony

I recalled a nerve-wracking yet gratifying experience of performing a French song on stage with my past french high school class. Despite the initial low confidence and uneasy start, i managed to continue the performance which was met with applause. The relief of walking off the stage was unmatched and i had not performed publicly since.

My Skills I would like to learn

What skill would you like to learn? To be honest I would love to master sewing and use it to add an income. And maybe enhance my accounting skills and learn to formulated .

A Job

What’s your #1 priority tomorrow? To be honest I have been unemployed since March this year and I need a job so my #1 priority tomorrow is being seated at a desk and doing office duties or related and having a paycheck to look for.

4 Personal Growth Goals to Achieve Before the Year Ends

As the year begins to draw to a close, it’s an opportune time to reflect on personal growth and set meaningful goals to achieve before the calendar flips to a new year. These last few months offer a valuable window of opportunity to work on self-improvement and finish the year on a high note. In…

The Value of Budgeting

Share a lesson you wish you had learned earlier in life. Money Matters: The Crucial Lesson I Wish I Had Learned Earlier in Life Creating a budget and sticking to it may sound mundane, but it’s an essential financial skill that I wish I had mastered earlier. Budgeting provides clarity on where your money is…

Navigating the Path: Why I Don’t See Myself as a Leader

Do you see yourself as a leader? In a world that often glorifies leadership and the qualities that make a great leader, it’s not uncommon for some of us to question our own leadership potential. I’m one of those individuals who, despite having strengths and skills, has never quite seen myself as a leader. In…

Euphoria: My Favorite Word and the Bliss It Brings

What’s your favorite word? Words have the remarkable power to evoke emotions, paint vivid images, and convey the deepest of sentiments. Among the countless words in the English language, there’s one that holds a special place in my heart: “euphoria.” In this blog post, I want to share with you why “euphoria” is my favorite…