A Peek At My 2024 Vision Board

As January draws to a close, numerous 2024 vision boards have emerged across the internet, marking the beginning of a new year filled with aspirations and intentions. Reflecting on the previous year, I found that my attempts to manifest my 2023 vision board ended in disappointment. The experience shed light on the complexities and challenges of achieving each goal within a single year, contrary to my initial belief that it would be a straightforward and enjoyable process. However, I remain hopeful as I embark on creating a new vision board for 2024, inspired by the collective energy and optimism surrounding the new year.

The prevalence of New Year resolutions and the enthusiastic discussions about harnessing the new year’s energy have prompted me to reconsider my approach as a dreamer and a future achiever. I was pleasantly surprised by the exhilaration and creativity involved in the process of creating a vision board, something I had not fully appreciated before.

This year, I found the process of crafting my vision board to be effortless and enjoyable. While it may not have achieved widespread aesthetic appeal, it authentically encapsulates my aspirations for 2024. Despite receiving a modest number of likes on Instagram, I am eager to share a detailed exploration of each image on my board in this blog post, unravelling the significance behind each chosen picture. I am looking forward to the prospect of revisiting my 2024 vision board in the future, comparing it with the next year’s and witnessing the evolution of my aspirations and achievements.

My 2024 Vision Board

Learning To Drive And Passing My Test During 2024 

(Image of the steering wheel) –In 2024, acquiring new knowledge and successfully attaining my driving licence holds significant personal value for me. Despite encountering numerous challenges in 2023, I have come to regard this goal as not just important for my age but as an endeavour that I am pursuing with determination and resilience, free from any unnecessary pressure.

Commitment And Passion

Words Of the Year

As articulated in my Instagram post, “commitment” and “passion” encapsulate the essence of my focus for 2024. These words hold deeply personal significance for my journey toward success and growth in the year ahead. Commitment represents my dedication to tasks or endeavours, while passion embodies my strong fascination or desire. Having resolved to leave behind three specific things in 2023, as detailed in my “three things I am leaving behind in 2023” post, I have been propelled to contemplate the attributes of commitment and drive, and their potential impact on my life.

Saving And Confidence

I faced significant challenges in 2023 due to financial constraints and difficulty meeting my basic needs. These circumstances, coupled with personal dilemmas, eroded my confidence and hindered my ability to improve my situation. As a result, I struggled to save money and build my self-confidence, which set a discouraging tone for the year. In 2024, my resolution is to focus on rebuilding my savings and nurturing self-confidence.

Sew And More Sewing

(the image of the person sewing something.) In the past year, my aspiration was to dedicate more time to sewing. However, I found myself consumed with rebuilding various aspects of my life, ultimately diverting my attention from this pursuit. As I look ahead to 2024, I have already identified numerous items I would like to create through sewing. I have recently commenced work on a project involving elastic waist pants, with only the hemming and attachment of the elastic left to complete.

Living More

(The image of the champagne glass) I find it ironic that I associate living life to the fullest with a full glass of champagne. However, that’s my interpretation when people encourage living a little. In the upcoming year, my aim is to immerse myself in the fullest experience of life. I hope to explore the excitement of going on dates and embracing contentment in all aspects of my life.

Thigh Gap

(Image of a woman’s legs with thigh gap.) I have always imagined having shapely thighs with a noticeable gap between them. The discomfort of chafing between my legs is something I am eager to overcome. It’s a struggle that I’m determined to address through consistent exercise and fitness efforts this year and beyond. I have already selected a leg workout to incorporate into my routine, and I can attest that it’s both accessible and yields substantial results.

Flat Tummy

(Image of the woman working out). I have experienced having a flat belly twice in my life, both times when I was very thin. Now, as a plus-sized individual, my resolution for 2024 is to achieve a flat tummy. I believe that not only does having toned abs enhance my confidence, but it also contributes to my overall well-being.

Embracing Femininity

(image of woman) I am seeking growth and development this year, and I’ve come to realize that embracing femininity is an important part of this journey. As I become more aware of certain personal traits that don’t align with traditional femininity, I am determined to unapologetically challenge myself to embrace it fully. I believe that this authentic approach will boost my self-esteem and contribute to my personal growth.

Create A Side hustle

(image of woman holding money) I’ve always envisioned owning a business or pursuing a side venture to generate extra income. Over the past year, I’ve dedicated time to brainstorming ideas and outlining potential strategies for this endeavour. In 2024, my goal is to manifest wealth and productivity, and I believe that establishing a lucrative side hustle is crucial to achieving this.

Have you created your 2024 vision board as yet? Leave a comment about what it was like creating it. Thank You for reading Zests Of Lemon Blog.

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  2. hey
    cool blog πŸ™‚ will give it a follow and a like !


  3. I love how you created a vision board that reflects the goals you have in life.


    1. zestsoflemon says:

      True but I was wondering if I made the right decision posting it


    1. zestsoflemon says:

      Thank you Brigitta


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