My Top 5 Fruits

List your top 5 favorite fruits. The memory flickers like a summer dream: sunshine warm on my bare arms, the vibrant green of the farmers market blurring slightly as I leaned in to inhale the intoxicating aroma. It was the scent of fruits, impossibly ripe and sweet, promising a burst of juicy flavor that would…

5 Tips for Effortlessly Stylish Summer Outfits

Summer is a time for sunshine, fun, and expressing your personal style through fashion. But with the heat and humidity, choosing summer outfits can feel like a challenge. I always try not to fear the sun when putting together my fashion outfit, ok fellow fashionistas! Then again we have 365 days of yearly sunshine, where…

Spring 2024 Wishlist

I am personally thinking of booking a one day getaway for spring break or easter. I have been contemplating for a while as I’m quite busy trying to balance my life and work life. So I won’t burn out but I am excited to be working again and contributing to my life goals. This spring  I…

Three Skincare Products I Can’t Live Without

Today, I’m spilling the tea on my holy grail products – the three skincare staples I wouldn’t dream of leaving home without (even though I’m currently a home body, of course! ). So, whether you’re a skincare newbie or a seasoned pro, read to discover my current top picks!

February 2024 Recap + March Goals

It’s the end of another great month and February is behind us. Time to reflect!  This month is  February 2024 recap plus March goals. Here’s my quick recap:

2023 Year In A Review + 2024 Goals

How was the 2023 Blogging year? 2023 marks the first anniversary of the year in a review post. I started it back in December 2022 for the year 2022. As a means of reflecting on the past year’s accomplishments and failures.

A Peek At My 2024 Vision Board

As January draws to a close, numerous 2024 vision boards have emerged across the internet, marking the beginning of a new year filled with aspirations and intentions. Reflecting on the previous year, I found that my attempts to manifest my 2023 vision board ended in disappointment. The experience shed light on the complexities and challenges…

Why You’re Not Organised: 5 Proven Ways To Stay Organize (And What You Can Do About It)

Mecah wants you to know that struggling with disorganization is a common challenge in modern life, leading to feeling overwhelmed by numerous tasks and responsibilities. However, there are 5 common proven strategies like making effective to-do lists, breaking tasks into smaller steps, setting reminders, using a planner, and decluttering regularly can help regain control and structure. These practical techniques offer clarity, progress, time management, and reduced stress, enabling proactive steps towards organization in both personal and professional life.

Turning 37

Today I celebrate my 37th birthday. I’ve been very excited and emotional about this one for several reasons. I just started working last year and my life is far from complicated but not near to perfect. Today was perfect beside having the flu (i dont had the flu for 10 years until this year) and…

Three Things I Left Behind In 2023

I am all bout welcoming a new year and reflecting on the past and all the visions for tomorrow. It is important to appreciate all the lessons learned and to just let go of things that cannot be changed. That is why I’m writing about the three things I left behind in 2023.

New Goals, A New Year And The Same Ole Me

Mecah looks forward to the new year as an opportunity for refreshing and maintaining her true self, setting achievable goals, including learning to drive, achieving a flat tummy, savings, and sewing tailored-looking clothing. She emphasizes the importance of focusing on personal growth rather than conforming to unrealistic standards promoted by others.

A Day in My Life: Finding Beauty in the Everyday

Welcome to a glimpse of my everyday life! Just like everyone else, my days are filled with a mix of responsibilities, routines, and moments of joy. In this blog post, I’m inviting you to join me as I take you through a typical day in my life, where I strive to find beauty in the…

Navigating Winter’s Chill with My Oily Skin: A Skincare Routine

Winter is upon us, and while the season brings a cozy ambiance, it can also wreak havoc on our skin. If you, like me, have oily skin, you’re probably no stranger to the unique challenges it presents. The good news is that with a tailored skincare routine, you can keep your oily skin balanced and…

 Heartfelt Sacrifice in “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry

Rating: ★★★★★ (5/5) “The Gift of the Magi” is a timeless and poignant short story by O. Henry that captures the essence of selflessness and love during the holiday season. With its beautifully crafted narrative, memorable characters, and a heartwarming message, it’s no wonder this tale has endured for generations.

25 Blogmas Post Ideas for Personal Bloggers

As the holiday season approaches, bloggers often get into the festive spirit by participating in a blogging tradition known as Blogmas. It involves posting a new blog article every day in December leading up to Christmas. A fantastic way to engage your audience, spread holiday cheer, and showcase your creativity. If you’re a personal blogger…

My Journey to Renewal: How I Reset My Life

Life has a way of taking unexpected turns, leaving us feeling lost and in need of a fresh start. It was during one such phase of my life that I stumbled upon several inspiring blog posts, “How to Reset Your Life” . Little did I know that these blog posts would become the catalyst for…

5 Ways To Create And Effortless Personal Growth Plan

Personal growth is a lifelong journey of self-discovery and self-improvement. It involves setting goals, learning new skills, and developing habits that promote personal and professional growth. Creating a personal growth plan can help you stay focused and motivated on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself. Here are five ways to create an…

My Current Bed And Wake Time

What time do you go to bed and wake up currently? Daily writing prompt What time do you go to bed and wake up currently? View all responses I am in my thirties and usually am in bed by the latest 11:30 pm. Since I have been unemployed this year I tend to spend time…