Turning 37

Today I celebrate my 37th birthday. I’ve been very excited and emotional about this one for several reasons. I just started working last year and my life is far from complicated but not near to perfect. Today was perfect beside having the flu (i dont had the flu for 10 years until this year) and not getting my pictures to come out right. I did not cook or had cake cause I had a huge slice yesterday and not shocking I had to work today.

Happy birthday to me

Since before the pandemic, I’ve spent lots of time aligning my life with accomplishing my dreams and goals. I’ve even retaken up sewing (I’m a novice after 5 years of sewing… could you believe that). Also trying to find answers regarding my mental health status. Thinking about finding an unbiased opinion person who would listen to my concerns as my depression seems to be getting worse. As of the year 2024, I have decided to adjust my life and choose how I spend my time. I want to become happier and appreciate life for what it is while making it better every day.

I am notorious for saying that I need “to do better cause better is there waiting to happen” instead of just settling for what comes my way. I do think better is always there somewhere you just keep passing it.

All in all, today was a successful bday, and another day to say I made that milestone happen. Thank you for visiting, I do hope all is well and your life becomes better every day.


12 Comments Add yours

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    1. zestsoflemon says:

      Hi Jason the follow button is on the bottom right corner of the site also it may say subscribe


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  6. A says:

    Happy 37th ! Have a rocking year


  7. Karalee says:

    Happy birthday! I’m sorry to hear you had the flu, but it’s good that it didn’t ruin your day. I hope 2024 will be a great year for you 😊


    1. zestsoflemon says:

      Thank you, Karalee so far it’s been great.


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