Three Things I Left Behind In 2023

I am all bout welcoming a new year and reflecting on the past and all the visions for tomorrow. It is important to appreciate all the lessons learned and to just let go of things that cannot be changed. That is why I’m writing about the three things I left behind in 2023.

For this blog post, I want to briefly highlight all four dilemmas of my year that held me back in hopes you can learn something from me and do better. Yes, 2023 was so stressful and unbelievable when it came to growth and development. Here’s to the new year and goodbye to 2023.

Improper Money Management

It’s about damn time to shake off improper money management. I don’t know about you, but 2020 was the year I learned about how to handle my finances and about Ramsey’s solution. You know the Baby Steps program, no spending challenges, saving challenges, and budgeting. For some reason, budgeting and saving never seemed to work out for me back in my younger days. I think I limited myself to the eyesore treasures of the world’s norms about spending when stressed.

What a held back!

My number one reason for my financial worries was not having a clear direction. You have to be focused when it comes to money management. Yeah, I agree everyone makes blunders when learning or handling their money. But boy I felt foolish when I had to audit my patterns. Excessive snack binges and buying unnecessary shoes. Thank God people started blogging about finance. Trust me they saved me. I advise you to read and watch a lot of videos about money management.

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Not Excersing

I am saying goodbye to not exercising. 2023 was the year I got fat and obessed with being on pills. That was an experienced moment I done want

Saying goodbye to unnecessary self-doubt is one of the most liberating things we can do for ourselves. We’ve all experienced moments of questioning our abilities and second-guessing our decisions. But it’s time to let go of those doubts and embrace our own worth and potential. 

One of the main culprits of self-doubt is people-pleasing. We constantly seek validation from others, fearing that if we don’t meet their expectations, we will be deemed not good enough. But the truth is, we can never please everyone, and that’s okay. We need to shift our focus from external validation to self-acceptance and self-belief. 

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Negativity stems from self-doubts and a lack of understanding of oneself. It reaches your beliefs and mentality in ways that causes you to compare and not believe in yourself anymore.

I suffered with it for years and it kept me back too. How can one grow in life with the challenges of negative thoughts?

It almost feels like harboring a toxic relationship. Draining of all the positive actions that could become. And creating a bad environment for no one to exist. This year I want to leave negativity in my past.

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Tell me what have you left behind in 2023?

3 Comments Add yours

  1. This is much the same as the things I am leaving behind in 2023 too; all of which will help my overall well-being. I like the idea of letting some things go and have incorporated that into my motto for 2024, which is “release, reinforce and revitalize”. Here’s to a great new year!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. zestsoflemon says:

      Thank you for the new year well-wishing


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