New Goals, A New Year And The Same Ole Me

I can never get over the fact there is a new year to look forward to. I mean like who does not want a chance to start fresh? Cause I surely need a reset! But the only difference is the fact I am staying the same ole me. Why would I want to become any other than the beautiful person I am already. If it’s your goal to be different than go for it, who am I to judge. New behavioral pattern sometime brings the best or worst out of us. but I would lean to it bringing the best out of us.

Then again, it’s the goals that drive that pattern. I always start my new year with all the good habits from the previous year. It’s better to make it achievable. What’s the sense in making up hard-to-reach targets for you to give up before the first semester of the year? I’ve had that mistake a while back cause I was not clear on my new habits/goals and what joy it would bring to my life. Hence the potential of this year!

My reason behind this post New Goals, A New Year and the Same Ole Me was to reduce all the anxiety I would get when trying something new. That is becoming someone else! I mean the better person that the YouTubers keep talking about. That alone gives me anxiety. But this new year I am staying the same ole me, I have been changing enough to satisfy my thirst for the betterment of myself.

Pinterest blog post pin of a Woman wearing a classic channel watch with a chunky band also there is writing saying New goals, New year, and same Ole me.

I am thinking of healthier habits now then forcing myself to become that girl, who has it all!

If you have not given it a thought, why not start this new coming year? Staying the same helps you focus on your purposes rather than the false becoming. Here are all the things I’m doing for the coming year. And I want you to be sociable by leaving comments about your thoughts on my New Year challenges and telling me what you doing differently.

Learning To Drive

Learning to drive has always been something of a passion. I have started private lessons before, but the person was not too trusting of me driving by myself. When I have to think back on that it makes me wonder if I am truly ready. I mean, it is several years now from my first lighted desire to learn. Also, I need some advancement to portal myself from being so basic. Trust me the walk is fantastic! Serious cardio almost every day if you’re not catching the bus. But life has to be lived and as a blogger once told me I have to learn to take risks. My risk is the fear of being in an accident, big or small. That too gives anxiety! Learning to drive could take some time to learn and one tries to pass the exam. Even though, I want to try. Everyone seems to be happy doing it and then there are the opportunities driving alone provides. I am hoping to get it in half a year at least.

Getting My Tummy Flat

This year I have exercised during the last term. On and off of course! Lol ok! At least I tried! Chloe Ting’s 2 weeks abs workout was too intense for me. So, I give Lilly Sabri 5 minutes and Daisy Keech’s hourglass abs a try. I thought I would see the result in 7 days as they claim. Oh boy! Only centimeters come off! I don’t want to give up on looking and feeling sexy again in my life. Any size is beautiful, but my preference is mine and I like it that way. A Flat tummy with a thick ass especially a natural thick butt.

This coming year my dream is to hit the 30-inch waist mark and have a 43-inch hip width. It’s achievable to me.

Saving,Saving and More Saving

I have never been in control of saving like I did this year before. I almost saved 5000 a big deal for a spender like me to accomplish. I want to focus more on saving. Not just doing it but reading about ways to better myself and preparing for the struggle moment. To be successful in life you have to learn about finance and savings. That’s why it’s one of my goals to learn and practice.

Sewing And Tailor Looking One’s Too

Each year sewing seems to squeeze its way into my list. And never happens! I guess I am too caught up with life and the challenges sewing brings to me. One of my problems is the stitch length. I do believe if I can get this down, I can sew almost anything. The next problem is having uneven pattern pieces. I know drawing straight lines processes complications for me. Hence having one pattern larger than the other hinders the look of my garments. My true purpose is to have well-tailored-looking pieces. What’s the reason for learning to sew if your finished product is not beautiful? I don’t want to be in that category anymore. See me next year sewing tailored-looking clothing especially if I can finally watch the DVD video provided or buy a computerized sewing machine.

What new things are you doing in the new year?

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