Why I Blog

Why I Blog: I wanted to share my knowledge and passion with others

My Interview With My Daughter

Interview someone β€” a friend, another blogger, your mother, the mailman β€” and write a post based on their responses. View all responses I decided to do a short interview with my daughter and her her response. What do you want to be when you grow up? I am almost grown I have no idea…


Exhausted. Mentally. Physically. Ready to check in my bed.I’m grateful I woke up and had the opportunity to move about . Especially taking the bus to go to town and walk about to get money and stamps. I actually thought it would have been a restful day today.

That Woman

What was the last thing you searched for online? Why were you looking for it? I searched for how to become that woman. The movement demonstrates a woman who is put together ,your personal goals and confident similar to the that girl aesthetic. I did this yesterday and this morning.The search landed me youtube precisely…

Creamy Cheesy Scalloped Potato Pie

What’s your favorite recipe? Creamy and cheesy scallop potato pie (the recipe) I have been making scallop potatoes since in high school via Food and Nutrition classes. And my favorite is the roux sauce version. The creaminess is like a divine heavenly feel. The stringy gooey cheese stretching from the pie to my mouth. I…

Visiting Koi Resort

Tell us about the last thing you got excited about. I am a lover of beautiful things whether they be simple or extravagant. Visiting Koi was a beautiful moment. I went they to apply for a job during the slow season in August 2023. Upon arriving I was amazed at the view from the entrance….

Italian Origin

Where did your name come from? I can’t find any information about the origins of my name other than it being an Italian word. So I assume it’s Italian and means a saintly woman in English.

How I Plan My Goals

How do you plan your goals? Here are the steps I follow to plan my goals: Here are some additional tips for planning your goals: I hope these tips help you plan your goals and achieve success!


What profession do you admire most and why? Some people hate it because of the lot of work involve while Some people enjoy the challenges. I have worked for 6 years in one of the oldest companies in St.Kitts, as an Account Clerk. It was my second job. It was there that I learned how…

About $170 For Two

What’s the most money you’ve ever spent on a meal? Was it worth it? Me, my daughter and ex-boyfriend went out for a lovely meal at a Sprat Net Bar and Grill in Old Road. It was a family night outing so I treated. We had two plates of lobsters sliced into half. I am…

I Wish I Can’t Retire

Scour the news for an entirely uninteresting story. Consider how it connects to your life. Write about that. So! This one was a thinking moment for me, reader, I have not been working for years. This year 2023 I had a month’s break of money thanks to my daughter seeking a job for me. I…

My Current Bed And Wake Time

What time do you go to bed and wake up currently? Daily writing prompt What time do you go to bed and wake up currently? View all responses I am in my thirties and usually am in bed by the latest 11:30 pm. Since I have been unemployed this year I tend to spend time…

Top Fav Genre Of Music As A Caribbean Girl

What is your favorite genre of music? Daily writing prompt What is your favorite genre of music? View all responses I am a Caribbean girl and I always remembered music being the most important thing in the universe for me. So much of it helped my mental health. I don’t think I can pin down…