6 Month Goals Update

Antoine De Saint- Exupéry once said a goal without a plan is just a wish. For many a goal is purpose which they try to achieve over a given amount of time. It’s intentions are to meet people’s personal or professional demands. And probably why millions of people try to set goals yearly or monthly.

If you haven’t realized a goal can be an objective as well or an aim. Many persons benefits from those mention by setting specific, measurable,  relevant purposes. And I am one who also benefits, once I plan out my cards right.

If you have notice also setting powerful goals can be your secret weapon! Goals provide direction and purpose, acting like a map for your aspirations and dreams. They link your daily actions to the bigger picture, giving you a clear target to strive towards and a reason to get excited about the future.

I recently think of it like this:

without a goal, you’re simply wandering.

Goals give you a sense of control, letting you steer your life towards what truly matters. They boost your motivation by providing a clear target to hit, helping you stay focused and energized on the journey.

And so on I decided for the second year to   set my sights high, and gently  motivate and try to successfully soar for 2024 with some dreams and aspirations! This is all about how I have been getting along with my 2024 goals in a 6 months update.

The Objectives

As mention a goal without a plan is a wish and lately I have been wishing, I should have made some better choices. When it comes to my intention about my goals. Now I think about it!

Just yesterday as I started to write this blog post I noticed I haven’t tackled the layout of my goals, doubtingly making  them mere wishes.

As each month passes during the first half of the year I am reminding that I going to have problem successfully completely my goals.

For instance I decided to learn how to drive to aid me in getting a job with a company. During the classes I had difficulties learning the techniques as it’s my few experiences learning to drive. At each lessons I was reminded about how the others are doing while I was failing at each session according to the instructor.

Could you imagine how embarrassing it was to hear that. It shattered my hopes at the practice sessions of ever getting that job. It was like he expected me to know about driving and one or two lesson would  have a try and  done moment.

Then again I never anticipated the cost of being over my expected budget. I am working for  barely over minimum wage. I have to pay for utilities, tax and groceries. And you could imagine how it goes with such wages.

Budgeting is something I do on regular. Even after budgeting there is no wiggle room for driving classes anymore. And resurrecting my self confidence after those particular days learning to drive is a must.

Second is living a more feminine,elegant life. That’s a mystery lol but yet a complex quiz with the steps. I told myself this year is the year for the elegant lifestyle like getting rid of the large stomach. Trust me I tried, two months of abs that resulted in me losing couple centimeters. That was not shocking as I have a bad habit of eating then going to sleep.

Also I am was suppose to be sewing and making clothing. Time is really of the essence and important too. One other thing I realized is my I am saving and magically slowly getting there with my thigh gap. It’s not visible but my inner thighs are toning.

New Plan

After expressing  my objectives with the observations I have to say I truly need help with sourcing a smart 2024 goal or vision board. There’s  no way simple dreams can be that unattainable. So I want to re-motivate myself especially since I have been seeing other people achieving their dreams over the past years and making small wins.

Lately I have started researching about setting s.m.a.r.t goals and coming up with some relevant purposes that seems more attainable.

In April I reach out to numerous people about  my current vision board and what can I do about it. Many spoke about my driving classes, meaning if it’s convenient at the moment with everything happen . Also some asked why do I have so much big things to do in one year.

So my new plan is to redo the existing vision board and set new goals. Like getting my debt to a current balance and more specific.

The dream is to commitment with a passion and I am still utilizing some of the old goals. But this time having baby steps to to every main purposes.


I regretted not setting more achievable goals for 2024. My originally aim was to learn how to drive for a job, live a more elegant lifestyle, and lose my belly. However, challenges like cost and lack of time made these goals difficult.

Since I was  inspired by others’ successes and is now researching S.M.A.R.T. goal setting. The plan to revise my vision board with more achievable goals, like focusing on debt reduction and taking smaller steps towards larger goals.

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