What I am Planting In Spring 2024

When I start planning and deciding what seeds or plants every year, i get so excited to think about all the possibilities of my garden for that year! One of my greatest lesson learned when it comes to gardening is to grow food that I like to eat. This lesson has encouraged me to spend more time out in the garden  in excitement for the first harvest! I’ve been growing crops for quite sometime and have been sharing my garden life on Instagram under the name poenyco garden. This year I am thinking I am minimizing my time spent on social media and only posting on my main account which is zestsoflemon. I hoping for this to be a yearly post about what I am planting for spring 2024 especially  if you’re looking for inspiration for your garden.Also love seeing what other people are growing too, leave a link to your post in the comment section.

What I am Growing  in Spring  2024

This year I want to make an impact on how I grow and manage my garden. So I think the best thing to do is reflect from  previous years.Somehow I strongly believe it would be a  great way to better the garden production and get  inspiration.

Here are a few things I  noted  from previous years:

  • Sometimes I over water and under water the plants and it causes them to wilt and turn yellow. To correct this I need to research about when and how much to water what plants.
  • One year I decided to grow cucumbers. I planted them without the knowledge on how I would allow them to thrive in the garden. They got enough sunlight and water but died after bearing two tiny cucumbers. They were sweet so I am trying them this year if I can get them germinated. Hopefully I can get a makeshift trellis with some wiring fence materials.
  • Doing the pollination trick by lightly flicking (with your fingers)the tomatoes flowers which helped to produced larger yield of tomatoes.
  • I read about soaking  particular seeds overnight really helped with their germination and growing them in toilet paper rolls worked well. Doing it really assist with speeding up germination time.
  • Pouring 1-2 tablespoon Npk near to the plant in a hole helped get a higher  yield of veggies and greener leaves.
  • Potting plant helped with reducing wastage of seedlings.
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To be honest I have been growing veggies that are above roots except the unsuccessful  garlic and onion. This spring I want to try something different. But they have to be what I love to eat.

Root Vegetables:

I heart carrots and the local carrot drink.They are always a part of my extended family tradition. I have some seeds that seem to be not viable cause I tried them out in February and no seedling as yet. Hoping to get some sweet potatoes and Irish potatoes. I saw some grow bags on temu but they look like they’ll be out of stock by the time I am ready to purchase them.


Every time I get a chance I have been growing pigeon peas. My only problem is that I keep wanting to move them from their original location. Which I did this a resulted in killing the blasted tree. Already started a new one just waiting for it to grow bigger. Also want to try a sweet peas not sure what I would find at the hardware store but I am praying that they have a wide variety to choose from.


I am just going to grow the normal yellow onion and maybe buy a red onion to try. Cause as I said I was not  successful with growing onions .Despite I had ask someone for some of their onion seedlings and forgot  to collect them. But I am going to grow those that I mention only for seeds and try not to over water them this time.


There is a plant here we cook with rice called greens I want to get some slips but unsure who to ask. I personally  love them in soups like chicken. I have tried growing lettuce this spring and two years ago but failed. I tried seeds from what my sister brought from Canada and they never sprouted and bought two from my family nursery that died.  I’ll try again but I only have four space in the ground to plant anything.


Last year planted so kind of variety of season pepper I got for free from a acquaintance. The things started flowering then died because I was not watering them regularly. I was so excited for them but this year I am including bell peppers. Cause bell peppers are like gold now they are like 6.95 to 12.95 per pound to purchase. Hopefully I can get them to thrive this time around.


Since I started growing tomatoes, I don’t think I will ever have a garden without them. My first tomatoes I grew I got about one from the tree then it died because of the heat then I tried a second time you wouldn’t be the same thing happen. But I am so proud of the variety the plain old store bought one. For some reason they were sweeter than the one I got the seed from.  This year I am trying for a larger yield and hoping it’s perninal and a good size along with sweet tasting. Here’s  to homegrown tomato!


I tried sprouting some cucumbers in February. Upto now I have seen one of them seedling. Two years ago I encouraged myself to plant two of them from the store brought cucumbers. I got teeny baby looking cucumbers that were sweet before they decided to die on me . I am trying again and this time putting them in a spot that’ll be satisfied with and acquiring a mini trellis.


Awhile back I tried my hands at some butternut squash and pumpkin,They were the normal store bought variety which I love for making pancakes and soups. It is  so much fun to grow both them but I only got from the butternut squash plant. Before the dog could destroy it, as for the pumpkin I died before flowering. 

I am  going to try and grow the butternut squash but this time with a makeshift trellis this year!

Herbs/ Teas:

I strongly say , I  can never have too much herbs(chives)  in the garden. So, I have been buying and regrowing them from cuttings. Two years ago I manage to get them large by introducing Npk to them every two weeks. Also my first time being able to grow cilantro my problem with them is that they flowered early cause I live in a  hot climate area (I had them planted next to a wall thinking it would shade them) and I want to try and start more this year as well. I hoping to get some celery and parsley this year. Also I am growing some mints and thyme,hoping I could get some rosemary. Somehow I feel I need to restock on some flower pots for these. 


This year I am sticking with what ever I can find. Already I have marigolds , might or not get some  Zinnias look alike flowers (they attract a lot of butterflies and caterpillars) HollyHock and Lavender .I hope to create cut flower bouquets for the house this year and bring even more beauty to the sideyard!

2 Comments Add yours

  1. Taylour says:

    That’s a great variety you’re going to have. I love the idea of having fresh herbs for your own tea combinations. Thanks for sharing!


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