37 Things I’ve Learned In 37 Years

It’s another year,  as a blogger and a mom, and of course, I had to try the ___ Things I’ve Learned in ___ Years post. I have never done this before but I hope to try it again. I turn 37 on January  9th! I’ve been enjoying my 30s so far & have learned quite a few new lessons along the way. Here are 37 Things I’ve Learned in 37 Years:

1. Laugh More

2. How to know who I am and what I stand for.

3. Never surrender cause things are out of control.

4. Never let your bad day define you.

5. Reading educates you.

6. Our jobs don’t define who you are as a person.

7. Seek your inner peace first.

8. Asking questions doesn’t mean your dumb.

9. Focus on your experiences – more so what makes you a better person.

10. Decluttering creates calmness.

11. Exercise everyday – even if it’s just 30 minutes a day

12. The outdoors & nature provide a sense of grounding & peace

13. The sunshine boosts your mood

14. Never partake in drama.

15. Healing from grief takes time.

16. Spend time alone to reset.

17. You shouldn’t please people instead please yourself.

18. Focus on yourself & don’t worry about what other people are doing

19. Taking care of yourself is essential.

20. A Day at the beach could be the best day of your life.

21. Drinking alcohol is not the only way to socialize.

22. Take break sometimes from people in real life

23. Not everything that glitters on social media is gold.

24. I am never too old to try or learn new things

25. It’s ok to say no

26. Not every door close, another door will be open.

27. I should save for retirement or the future

28. Nothing good happens before it’s time

29. It’s ok if I make mistakes – everyone makes them everyday

30. I am not a moss that grows in one area instead I am a rolling stone. Rolling my way to happiness.

31. Always embrace my feminine style

32. I am still young & beautiful so there is still plenty of time for whatever.

33. Never giving up is a sure sign to success.

34. The world is not over if I don’t have a warm body to lay with at nights.

35. I’ve learned the hard way: sinking funds are a must.

36. The best thing that I ever did was to create an emergency fund.

37. What other people say about me is not my business.

I’m so excited about Chapter 37 & all the new lessons I’ll be learning along the way.

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