I Wish I Can’t Retire

Scour the news for an entirely uninteresting story. Consider how it connects to your life. Write about that.

So! This one was a thinking moment for me, reader, I have not been working for years. This year 2023 I had a month’s break of money thanks to my daughter seeking a job for me. I think I have been a total failure for some time. Not entirely, but I blame it on my mental health. Like, every once in a while, I’ll wonder how far along in my life I would be if I just choose a low-income work and be merry. So today is about scouring the news for an entirely uninteresting story and considering how it connects to your life. As I said I had to think for a moment. I stay away from the news something it acts up my anxiety and then I usually get bored from reading. But for the sake of this prompt, I attempted to read a post on Flipboard.

It was featured via their email service and the topic open my eyes to how I am unprepared for this one. Then again I have not heard anyone speak about retirement since social security pays you an amount monthly. Here is to retirement if am lucky to get at least $500 a month or not. Rethinking Retirement: Why You Shouldn’t Retire. Wow! This article speaks on retirement and why you should rethink or not retire.

Should I rethink retirement? Yeah. I am in my thirties and I get a source of income every 6 months for the Citizen By Investment program thus far I hope to go back to work sometime in the future. With all those gaps — a long long time ago and present. I am so scared of reaching 40. Omg! The article touches on the amount needed to retire like the 401k and the pressure of it.

How does that relate to my life? Well, based on my Social Security contribution I know I can get a small contribution pay if I go back to work. I use to think it was awarded to everyone but now I know there are regulations and stipulations. And then I don’t live and have an American lifestyle, I am a Caribbean woman. So having a 401k would be a blessing. But I don’t want to retire I want to work until my body says enough. But I think it is mandatory in some job areas.

And there you have it, reader. My uninteresting story connects kinda to my life. Thank you for reading my thoughts. I do appreciate you taking the time. Make sure to ake care of yourself.

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