Ten Years From Now

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Ten years is so far from today! If I had to choose I would put myself in the happiest situation. I mean, where do you see yourself in 10 years? There are so many avenues I want to channel and so many dreams there to complete. But to be pragmatic here is where I see myself.

10 years from now I would like to be fit and stable like I used to be before whilst being happy. I think I could see myself working with a completed degree in finance or business and married.

I say this because it has been my dream for quite some time now. Since in my twenties, I started a degree in business management. To be honest I was doing good with a 3.0 average without putting in the hard work. Unfortunately, I had to resign from the program as I had lost my job and could not find any other jobs to help with making my payments.

I was heartbroken cause now I have to start over but it’s the climb that keeps me encouraged.

I would like to still get married even though I tell people no. I can envision a fairytale life but in reality, that seems so far from the norms of today.

I hope 10 years from now I have completed all the goals that I have been dreaming so long about. Hopefully am surrounded by supportive and well-wishers! But I will get there!

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