2 Hair Secrets Every Natural Hair Should Know To Maintain Healthy Hair In 2023

No, no, I am not a beauty expert! I’ve been independently observing what works best to maintain healthy hair over the past years. And oh dear it’s shocking to see the simplest stuff have more value with growth and health. It’s puzzling to see our hair gets so damaged when the simplest/ minimal routine has so much good effect.

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Maybe that’s why I reverted to my natural hair texture. And oh God, it’s not cheaper than chemical process hair.

You see I have type 3c/4a hair and it is quite pricey to sustain my health. And now the inflation plus my location I can only imagine the price on my next shopping trip.

1. Don’t Wash Daily

At one point in my life, I used to wash my hair every day. With all the gels that I put in my hair. My scalp and strands benefited! Longer hair cause my styling was simple.

Now forward to today’s hair routine, I don’t even wash them frequently. Maybe once per month if I don’t have in a protective hairstyle. Having natural black hair has it perks.

So when I cleanse my hair… I wash it twice concentrating most of the shampoo on the scalp while focusing the conditioner on the strands. I do that because I use a lot of hair-styling products resulting to product build up.

My current wash routine

2. Take Supplement

Being regular with my vitamin intake is yet another change I’ve made in my life as a result of my depleted health. I want to continue doing this for a long.

I currently take folic acid, vitamin c, iron, and vitamin A. These vitamins support hair growth and cell renewal.

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